

Netformx Celebrates New Innovation & 25 Years as a Cisco Partner!
Mark Bickerstaffe

General Manager and VP of Global Sales at Netformx

As the General Manager at Netformx, I manage our sales, marketing, and customer success functions globally. I am very fortunate to interact hourly with both our incredible internal teams and the thought leaders in some of the most innovative solution providers and managed service providers in the world. I love…
More about Mark Bickerstaffe

Message from the GM –

Celebrating 25 Years as a Cisco Partner

2024 is flying by with a lot of activity around the relaunch of AssetXpert™ just as Netformx is celebrating 25 years as a Cisco Partner.

Our mission remains unchanged from our early days to help Cisco Partners (our users) to deliver solutions and services faster and more efficiently while improving profitability and end-customer satisfaction. On a personal note, I am especially delighted that there are folks still on staff who have been here from the beginning! My thanks to all the people, past and present, who have worked hard to serve Netformx and its customers.

We continue to expand our coverage to Cisco Partners, IT Solution Providers and MSPs around the globe with our world-leading algorithms, industry-first data, and Cisco and Distributor API integrations!

The Difference We Make for Cisco Partners!

For the first time Partners are starting to see all (Tier1 & Tier2) deals, estimates, and costs in one pane of glass. With the integration of key Distributor API’s including Ingram Micro and Tech Data we can automatically upload all your Disti data and correlate it with any of the Deals you may work on Directly with Cisco for a full pipeline view.

We are extremely excited about the new program Cisco is offering for “Customer Assessment Incentives for Networking”. Cisco launched the program in late September. You can find out more about the new program and how we can support it in my blog.

There is much more to be shared, so please take a look at all the other articles below. We are here to simplify your processes and help you be more profitable when delivering IT Solutions and Services, and in many cases be an extra set of hands. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at sales@netformx.com for assistance.


Netformx Celebrates New Innovation & 25 Years as a Cisco Partner!

A Win-Win Assessment Program for Cisco Partners

Cisco presented, in a webinar on September 11, 2024, a new program that is a win-win for partners and their customers. The program launched late-September and is called “Customer Assessment Incentives for Networking”. Within the program structure a $7500 incentive is available to the partner in return for completed network assessments, Proof of Performance, and net new Registered Opportunities. This changes the game and will encourage the partner to undertake critically important network assessments in support of their pursuit of world class service to their clients.

We recommend visiting the Cisco website for full details. However, tooling will be required in order for the partner to conduct an effective and complete assessment of the network and the results from that discovery will need to be documented in a Proof of Performance.

So, the next question is:
What assessment tool will provide the most efficient path for getting an accurate view of the customer’s network and maximizing the substantial benefits this program makes available? Netformx AssetXpert!

Read Mark’s full blog “Cisco Partners & Customers Win with the Customer Assessment Incentive for Networking” or contact us at CAI@netformx.com for more information.

Netformx Celebrates New Innovation & 25 Years as a Cisco Partner!

Get Insight to your Customers Security Posture with AssetXpert

We have been having more cybersecurity conversations than ever before and with people that didn’t previously think about those things. That was reserved for other teams, but it has become so rampant it is something everyone needs to be concerned about and wondering how they can make a difference to keep their customers networks not only fresh but also secure.

AssetXpert™ can play a big role whether you are an IT Consultant or delivering managed services. Here are just a few of the key capabilities to address the security posture for multivendor networks:

  • Discovery – Discovering all network equipment is vital to making sure the network is safe
  • EoX – Know when network devices will reach various milestones in their serviceable lifespan:
    • End of Sale (EoS)
    • End of New Service (EoNS)
    • Last Day of Support (LDoS)
  • CVE and CVSS –Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE) status and severity via a Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
  • PSIRT and Field Notices (FN) – Additional Cisco specific security information
  • Segmentation – Information and visualization of network segmentation and segment connectivity
  • Configuration backup – Have a backup of each network devices configuration
  • Configuration best practice – Analyze device configuration for adherence to best practices (Cisco only)

If you want to learn more contact sales@netformx.com.

Netformx Celebrates New Innovation & 25 Years as a Cisco Partner!

AssetXpert – Your NIS2 Compliance Solution for the EU

Netformx AssetXpert™ can assist European Union organizations in complying with the NIS2 directive, with a particular focus on Article 21: Cybersecurity risk-management measures.

NIS2 aims to address the increasing digital threats and vulnerabilities by mandating that essential and important entities, such as those in energy, transport, health, finance, and digital infrastructure, adopt robust cybersecurity measures and report significant incidents. It also enhances cooperation among member states and sets clearer guidelines for incident response and risk management. By doing so, NIS2 seeks to create a more resilient and secure digital environment across the EU, fostering trust and cooperation among member states in combating cyber threats.

Netformx AssetXpert offers a comprehensive solution for maintaining IT networks while proactively addressing critical security risks. By automatically discovering and analyzing network equipment, it provides actionable insights to prevent security vulnerabilities, end-of-life issues (EoX), and network bottlenecks.

Netformx Celebrates New Innovation & 25 Years as a Cisco Partner!

A Simplified Journey to a Network Source of Truth — An Executive Perspectives

A Blog by Mark Bickerstaffe, Netformx GM

Netformx has been in the networking business for 30 years. Thousands of design engineers, solution architects, consultants and IT professionals trust us, knowing we are willing to listen and learn and provide solutions to address their concerns. That’s an essential component of our company’s success: listening and learning as our customers face a continuing stream of challenges and changes that impact their customers’ networks. We then provide solutions to address those issues.

What am I hearing from IT Consultants?

Today, I hear a glaring, urgent, and widespread need to know exactly what is in network(s) right now. Not what was planned, but what is really out there. We call that accurate network view the “Network Source of Truth”.

I’ve heard frustration over the difficulty of putting a finger on a network’s ever-changing actual state and topology.

IT Consultants and MSPs are telling me things like . . .

  • How can I keep my customer’s network secure from growing and increasingly destructive cybersecurity threats?
  • How can I do a Network heath check to determine if the network is healthy or aging?
  • Is this technology refresh right for this network?
  • Can you prove network compliance is covered to keep the network resilient?
  • Does your IT or managed services proposal reflect the actual network?

Read the blog to find out how you can get to the Network Source of Truth.

Netformx Celebrates New Innovation & 25 Years as a Cisco Partner!


Netformx Celebrates New Innovation & 25 Years as a Cisco Partner!

Get an Automated View of your Complete Pipeline with Direct & Distributor Data

By consolidating and analyzing data from both Distributors (via BOM upload or automated data feed) and numerous Cisco platforms, Netformx Pipeline Insight Tool (PIT) enables you to have both broad and deep—360°—views of your Estimates and Deals.

If you purchase through Distributors, for the first time you can manage your overall Cisco business in a single dashboard and quickly visualize your entire presales pipeline.

PIT has always had the capability to manually upload individual BOMs. However, now you can automate the process of bringing your BOMs into PIT with the Distributor Data Feed option that is available for Ingram Micro and TD Synnex. Other Distributors will be added in the near future. This API data feed will allow you to see all of your Deals, Estimates, and Costs to better prioritize your time spent on Deal optimization. You will have full visibility to VIP and LCI eligible SKUs, with deal modeling capabilities, and VIP Calculation if you have access to that module.

Netformx Celebrates New Innovation & 25 Years as a Cisco Partner!


VIP 44 News

Some things to know about VIP 44 and how Netformx Pre-sale (Pipeline Insight Tool – PIT) and Post-sale (ChannelXpert) tools will support the VIP 44 period:

  • The Solutions Track expanded with the addition of the Networking Solutions subtrack.
    • We have added the subtrack to ChannelXpert and it will be available in PIT and VIP Calculator shortly!
    • The Networking Solutions subtrack offers 3% to 6% rebate, depending on the SKU for qualifying partners.
  • VIP 44 Accelerators offer up to an additional 6% rebate on select MX SKUs. + much more!
  • Another great addition is that the Cisco Powered Services XDR specialization now provides access to the Security Solutions subtrack.
  • Reminder: IoT and IoT Annuity subtracks will retire at the end of VIP 44.
    • You can take steps now toward achieving the “Industrial IoT Solutions subtrack” specialization that in the VIP 45 period will replace the retiring subtracks

If you haven’t checked out the VIP 44 options in these tools recently, it may be time to Login. Much of the logic needed for VIP 44 is available today in ChannelXpert. PIT is nearly complete with most of the capability in place and working.

Increase your profitability when optimizing your deals to include more VIP eligible SKUs on the front end, and track progress to collecting all the rewards you deserve on the backend, including your deals through Distribution.

Netformx Celebrates New Innovation & 25 Years as a Cisco Partner!

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Netformx Celebrates New Innovation & 25 Years as a Cisco Partner!

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