ChannelXpert v3.6 for Better Automated LCI Insight and Tracking

Netformx ChannelXpert v3.6 continues to enhance Cisco Partners’ ability to gain insight on Lifecycle Incentive opportunities with automation (instead of manual spreadsheets). Our goal is to help Customer Experience (CX) users stay aligned with Cisco’s strategic direction to maximize LCI insight and reap more incentive rewards and bonuses. V3.6 builds on the comprehensive Lifecycle Incentive Analysis introduced in ChannelXpert v3.5 for:

  • Collecting data from multiple Cisco repositories
  • Cross-referencing with access to distribution sales data ensures full insight for all customer opportunities
  • Collating and presenting data into a digestible format to target specific workflow needs and requirements

ChannelXpert 3.6 New Features Partners

  • NEW: LCI Activity Report Tracks Your Customer Experience Opportunities
    • The new LCI Activity Report provides Customer Experience (CX) insight on your customer LCI opportunities tracked by Cisco
    • Two default groupings allow you to adjust the view of your customers’ Activity or Plan characteristics
      • The Activity Tab tracks the Use (Activate) Software Use Case and Adopt Successful Business Outcome (small, medium, or large)
      • The Plan Tab tracks the customer opportunity according to Cisco milestones (Closed, Denied, Plan in Progress, or Registered)
    • Stay up-to-date and prioritize essential milestone timeframes to ensure you do not lose out on potential reward dollars
  • Improved Presentation & Filtering
    • The advanced grid capabilities of the User Interface are flexible, allowing you to add or remove columns to tailor fit your precise workflow needs
    • Additional filters to eliminate or include elements to adjust the current appearance
      • Toggle between Enterprise Agreement (EA) & Non-EA opportunities
      • New default groups in the Architecture & Annuity tabs
  • Enriched Data Sources for More Accurate Analysis
    • New context key for end-customers provide more accurate opportunity grouping
    • Netformx will continue to add more data sources in the coming months

We continue to gather feedback for upcoming versions to make the data even more digestible with more filters, and access to even more data buried in spreadsheets. Share your challenges you currently experience with LCI management with your account manager and customer success contacts.

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